Friday, November 20, 2020

Blessed Syrinx, A System-Agnostic Magic Item

Blessed Syrinx

Description:  This appears to be a simple set of panpipes, a common musical instrument among shepherds.  It radiates a clear aura of beneficent magic to the magically sensitive, with further examinations indicating a divine blessing related to watchfulness and husbandry. 

Powers:  A Blessed Syrinx allows its bearer to roll twice and take the better result why trying to detect potential threats hidden nearby.  While carried it also renders the bearer immune to sleep effects (and indeed, unable to nod off or daydream even on a lazy summer day) and its music will awake anyone sleeping within earshot, even if the sleep was induced by magic or soporifics.  When the correct tune is played it soothes and attracts livestock from as far as a mile away.

Possible Origins:  These items are generally created by the prayers of devout followers of whatever deity of fertility, harvests, and/or animal husbandry best fits your campaign.  Less commonly, a lone shepherd may be gifted one directly by some passing nature spirit or even the disguised avatar of a god, usually along with a warning against sloth and indolence. 

Complications:  The bearer develops a tendency to absent-mindedly tootle around on the syrinx when not otherwise occupied.  Many people tend to slowly grow to dislike the owner of a Blessed Syrinx through a combination of jealousy, irritation at being woken by thoughtless piping, and getting their animals mixed together through enchanted flock calls.  Those who are granted these pipes often find it advisable to move on to greater things far from their home villages, such as a life of adventuring.

Design Commentary:  This is yet another "rescue" from an older post elsewhere.  Will eventually get done with all these.

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